Joint International Decade of Indigenous Languagesand International Mother Language Day Conference

Caraga State University
Butuan City, Philippines​ | 23-25 February 2024


Call for Submission

The Conference Secretariat is now accepting proposals for individual and panel text- and non-text based/performative presentations, and roundtable discussions. The deadline for submission for the first call is November 23, 2023. The Steering Committee may extend the call for submission when warranted. To encourage diversity in submissions, panel proposals should be composed of presenters coming from different but complementary areas of specialization working on a common theme or multiple themes under any of the tracks. The Conference Review Committee may group individual proposals into a panel.

Track 1


• IP Education
• Gender Studies
• Translanguaging
• Dialectal Studies and Language Mapping
• Indigenous Knowledge, Systems, ad Practices
• Place Names Studies
• Peace Name Studies
• Forensic Linguistics
• MLE Assessment, Monitoring and Evaluation
• English in an MLE Framework
• Translation Studies
• Filipino Sign Language
• Language Policy and Governance
• Language Endangerment
• NLP and Computational Linguistics


Track 2


• Early Grades Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
• CALP and Curriculum Studies and Assessment
• Media Studies and Communication
• Early Grades Learning and Teaching
• Literacy and Social Justice
• Multimodal Literacies
• Literacy in the Age of AI
• Critical Literacy
• Environmental Literacy
• Multimedia and Information Literacy

Track 3


• Learning Ecosystems
• Technology, Digitalization, and Artificial Intelligence
• Emerging Trends, Technologies, and Standards for Learning Professional Development
• Inclusive Learning
• Citizenship Education
• Functional, Youth, and Adult Literacy
• Digital Integration and New Learning Models
• Recognition, Validation, and Accreditation
• Qualification Frameworks, Policies and Legislation
• Non-Cognitive Learning Determinants
• TVET and the Future of Work
• Youth Skills and Employment



The Conference shall have the following activities.


Provided hands-on learning experiences, promoting skill development and practical insights in a condensed format.

Policy Forum

Facilitated collaborative discussions and strategic planning among stakeholders to address pressing societal challenges.


Features impactful presentations and discussions, fostering a comprehensive understanding of key issues and promoting knowledge exchange among participants.

Non-text Performative Presentations

Showcasing creativity and expression in a condensed format, offering a unique and engaging perspective on the subject matter.

Books and Learning Materials Exhibits

A condensed showcase of educational resources, fostering access to a diverse range of materials for participants.

Thematic Sessions

Delved into focused topics, fostering in-depth exploration and meaningful dialogue among participants.

Talk and Story Sessions

Insightful narratives and discussions, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and personal experiences.

Teaching Demo Fest

Providing valuable insights into innovative teaching methodologies.

Special Panels and Learning Sessions

Offers condensed insights and expertise, enriching the conference with targeted discussions on specialized topics.

Parallel Paper and Poster Presentations

Showcased diverse research and insights in a concise format, facilitating efficient knowledge dissemination and interactive engagement.



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The UN General Assembly declared 2022-2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) to address the perilous state of indigenous languages and communities. Ongoing endangerment, displacement from conflicts, economic/political instabilities, and escalating climate risks pose severe long-term threats.

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© 2024 Caraga State University, Ampayon, Butuan City 8600​

The UN General Assembly declared 2022-2032 as the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (IDIL 2022-2032) to address the perilous state of indigenous languages and communities. Ongoing endangerment, displacement from conflicts, economic/political instabilities, and escalating climate risks pose severe long-term threats.

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© 2024 Caraga State University, Ampayon, Butuan City 8600​